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Biska is a homemade brandy which is prepared from grape brandy, white mistletoe and four types of herbs. The recipe is about 2000 years old. It is a remainder of Druid magic of ancient Celts who once inhabited these parts. White mistletoe (viscum album) was a cultic plant of ancient Celts. Biska is famous for its medicinal properties, it is one of the best natural cures for arteriosclerosis and for regulating high and low blood pressure. Only Humska konoba (Hum Tavern) knows the recipe for its production, which was given by the late Hum priest (Josip Vidou) who was a famous herbalist. You can taste biska at Humska konoba in Hum - the smallest town in the world. Besides being famous as the smallest town in the world, Hum also promotes itself as the Town of Biska.


Producers of biska:

Damir Sirotić, Sovinjsko polje, tel: 052/663-027 (produces also a brandy with honey)

Dario Sirotić, Medveje, tel: 052/667-194

Diego Nežić, Maruškići, tel: 052/662-293
(also produces: brandy with honey, erba luigia,...)

Ivan Jermaniš, Kijeka, tel: 052/667-141
(produces also other kinds of brandies)

Miro Petohleb, Čela, tel: 052/662-750 
(produces many kinds of brandies and aromatic wine...)

Edvin Petohleb, Čela, tel: 091/507 99 73

Vinarstvo Jakac, Veli Mlun, tel: 052/ 662 481

Destilerija "Aura", Buzet, tel: 052/694250