• +385 (0) 52 662 343
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Gastronomski užitak nosi pečat dobrih domaćina koji s ljubavlju spravljaju hranu na tradicionalan način. Upoznajte okuse Buzeštine u nekoj od konoba, restorana na našem području.


    Vela Vrata restaurant

    Šet. Vladimora Gortana 7,
    Telefon: +385 52 494 750,
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: svaki dan 12.00-22.00
    Siječanj, veljača zatvoreno.

    Hotel Fontana restaurant

    Trg Fontana 1
    Telefon: +385 52 662 615
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Radno vrijeme: svaki dan 10.00-22.00

    OPIS: A la carte restoran "Fontana" ima ukupno 100 mjesta, a u svojoj ponudi nudi autohtona jela, istarske specijalitete, jela sa tartufima. Također, restoran ima raznoliku ponudu kvalitetnih istarskih vina. Nova kavana sa 40 sjedećih mjesta nudi izbor kvalitetnih kava, kolača, frapea, sladoleda i kupova, a gosti mogu svakodnevno uživati čitajući besplatne tiskovine. Uz kavanu nalaze se i dvije terase kapaciteta od 90 mjesta.

    Specijalitet kuće: pureća prsa “Pinguentum” sa tartufima.

    Konoba Sveti Ivan

    Sv. Ivan 19

    Telefon: 052 662 898
    Radno vrijeme:
    Pon-sub 08:00-22:00h
    Ned- zatvoreno

    Restoran Sandy

    Sjeverna ulica 3/1
    Telefon: +385 52 663 445
    Radno vrijeme: 09.00-16.00
    Nedjeljom zatvoreno

    Restoran Stara oštarija

    Petra Flega 5
    Telefon: +385 52 694 003
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme:
    Pon-Pet: 12.00-21.00
    Sub/Ned 12.00-22.00
    Siječanj, veljača zatvoreno.

    Ročko polje

    Restoran Danilea

    Ročko Polje 79
    Telefon: +385 52 666 600
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 
    IV-IX 11.00-22.00
    IX-IV 11.00-22.00.
    Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno

    Restoran Nela

    Ročko Polje 3
    Tel: +385 52 666 476
    Mob: +385 91 1999 529
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    web: www.restoran-nela.com 
    Facebook: Restoran Nela
    Radno vrijeme: svaki dan od 07.00-23.00

    OPIS: Nekada ne zaobilazna oštarija "NELA" a danas restoran "NELA" sa stoljetnom tradicijom iz svoje bogate ponude jela izdvaja sljedeće:
    Pršut, tartufi, steakovi, ribe i školjke, jela po narudžbi, jela sa roštilja

    Sovinjsko polje

    Restoran Toklarija

    Sovinjsko polje 11
    GSM: +385 91 926 6769
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 13.00-22.00
    Utorkom zatvoreno 


    Konoba Most

    Naselje Most 18
    Telefon: +385 52 662 867
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Web stranica: www.konobamost.com
    Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/konoba.most.1?fref=ts
    Radno vrijeme: 12.00-22.00
    Srijedom zatvoreno

    OPIS: Konoba Most u Buzetu jedna je od najstarijih konoba na području Istre, čija tradicija seže još od 1933. godine, te je od samih početaka u vlasništvu obitelji Marinac.

    Iz naše bogate ponude jela, preporučujemo:
    - Istarski pršut i ovčji sir,
    - Jela sa tartufima,
    - Ombolo i kobasice,
    - Domaću tjesteninu (njoke, fuže, raviole) sa gulašom od divljači,
    - Domaći kruh,
    - Pizze

    Konoba Paladin

    Naselje Franečići 25
    Telefon: +385 52 662 061
    Mobitel: +385 91 662 06 11
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme:
    Pon-Pet: 09.00-21.00
    Sub/Ned 12.00-19.00

    OPIS: Konoba Paladin se nalazi 1,5 km od centra grada Buzeta, u mirnom naselju Franečići. Objekt ima unutarnji prostor za 60 osoba, te terasu od 40 sjedećih mjesta.
    Ovdje možete svakoga dana probati našu raznovrsnu kuhinju u kojoj pripremamo posebne specijalitet, te poslužujemo vrhunska jela izvorne domaće kuhinje - od pršuta i sira, domaće tjestenine sa tartufima, domaće kobasice i ombolo, istarsku maneštru od bobići, te domaći kruh i domaće kolače. Uživati možete i uz domaća vina i rakije.
    Organiziramo razne svečanosti: rođendane, krštenja, prve pričesti, sindikalne... Ovdje možete proslaviti sve posebne događaje u Vašem životu sa Vašom obitelji, dragim prijateljima i poslovnim partnerima.
    Moguća su plaćanja karticama.

    Istarska konoba Old river

    Most Bračana 70
    Telefon: +385 91 662 1111
    Radno vrijeme: 11.00-23.00

    OPIS:Istarska konoba Old River, smještena uz motovunsku šumu, epicentar nalazišta tartufa, nudi Vam jela istarske autohtone kuhinje. Domaću tjesteninu,  mesne delicije pripremane na roštilju na vulkanski kamen, te ostale specijalitete sa tartufima, kao i domaće kolače u prekrasnom ambijentu uz rijeku Mirnu.


    Konoba Volte

    Kozari 16
    Telefon: +385 52 665 210
    Web: volte.hr
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 12.00-23.00
    Utorkom zatvoreno


    Ročka konoba

    Roč 14/1
    GSM: +385 91 729 9 716
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 
    IV-XI 12.00-22.00
    I-IV,XII Na upit
    Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno 


    Konoba Kolinasi

    Kolinasi 13/1
    Telefon: +385 99 545 47 78
    +385 91 784 28 07
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 13.00-21.00
    Utorak i Srijeda Zatvoreno


    Konoba Kotlić

    Kotle 3
    GSM: +385 99 351 70 77
    Radno vrijeme: 
    X-V Sub/Ned 12.00-22.00
    V-X 12.00-22.00 sve dane


    Konoba Hum

    Hum 2
    Telefon: +385 52 660 005
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 
    15.11.-15.03. 11.00-22.00 Sub/Ned
    15.03.-15.05. 11.00-22.00 Ut/Ned. Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno.
    15.05.-15.10. 11.00-22.00 Svakim danom.
    15.10.-15.11. 11.00-22.00 Ut/Ned. Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno.


    Konoba Santa Terra

    Sovinjak 10
    Tel: +385 52 663 039
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Web: http://www.santa-terra.com.hr/

    Svaki dan osim srijede
    Ostale dane u tjednu od 13:00 h – 22:00 h
    Vikendom od 12:00 h – 22:00 h
    Tijekom zime radimo samo vikendom ili uz prethodnu najavu


    Konoba Vrh

    Vrh 1
    Telefon: +385 52 667 123
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 
    Utorak - nedjelja 13.00-22.00 
    Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno. 

    Agroturizam Mlini

    GSM: +385 98 900 84 30
    Radno vrijeme: Na upit


    Konoba Lovac

    Jelovice 23
    Telefon: +385 52 660 127
    Radno vrijeme: 11.00-22.00
    Srijedom zatvoreno


    Pizzeria Ježić

    A.C. Tonića 15
    GSM: +385 91 205 2433
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme:
    Ut-Pet  09.00-23.00
    Sub/Ned 13.00-23.00

    Ponedjeljkom zatvoreno


    Fast food Smile

    Riječka ulica 1
    Telefon: +385 52 663 521
    Radno vrijeme:
    Pon/Čet 07.00-23.00
    Pet/Sub 07.00-01.00
    Nedjelja 15.00 -23.00


  • Restorani

    Restoran Stara oštarija

    Petra Flega 5
    Tel: +385 52 694 003
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours:
    Mod-Fri: 12.00-21.00
    Sat/Sun 12.00-22.00
    January, February closed.

    Vela Vrata restaurant

    Šet. Vladimora Gortana 7,
    Tel: +385 52 494 750,
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: every day 12.00-22.00
    January, February closed.

    Hotel Fontana restaurant

    Trg Fontana 1
    Tel: +385 52 662 615
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Working hours: every day 10.00-22.00


    Restoran Sandy

    Sjeverna ulica 3/1
    Tel: +385 52 663 445
    Working hours: 09.00-16.00
    Sunday closed

    Ročko polje

    Restoran Danilea

    Ročko Polje 79
    Tel: +385 52 666 600
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 
    IV-IX 11.00-22.00
    IX-IV 11.00-22.00.
    Monday closed

    Restoran Nela

    Ročko Polje 3
    Tel: +385 52 666 476
    Mob: +385 91 1999 529
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    web: www.restoran-nela.com 
    Facebook: Restoran Nela
    Working hours: every day od 07.00-23.00


    Sovinjsko polje

    Restoran Toklarija

    Sovinjsko polje 11
    GSM: +385 91 926 6769
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 13.00-22.00
    Thusday closed 


    Konoba Most

    Naselje Most 18
    Tel: +385 52 662 867
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Web stranica: www.konobamost.com
    Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/konoba.most.1?fref=ts
    Working hours: 12.00-22.00
    Srijedom closed


    Konoba Paladin

    Naselje Franečići 25
    Tel: +385 52 662 061
    Mobitel: +385 91 662 06 11
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours:
    Mod-Fri: 09.00-21.00
    Sat/Sun 12.00-19.00


    Istarska konoba Old river

    Most Bračana 70
    Tel: +385 91 662 1111
    Working hours: 11.00-23.00



    Ročka konoba

    Roč 14/1
    GSM: +385 91 729 9 716
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 
    IV-XI 12.00-22.00
    I-IV,XII Na upit
    Monday closed 


    Konoba Kolinasi

    Kolinasi 13/1
    Telefon: +385 99 545 47 78
    +385 91 784 28 07
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 13.00-21.00
    Tuesday and Wednesday Closed


    Konoba Kotlić

    Kotle 3
    GSM: +385 99 351 70 77
    Working hours: 
    X-V Sat/Sun 12.00-22.00
    V-X 12.00-22.00


    Konoba Hum

    Hum 2
    Tel: +385 52 660 005
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 
    15.11.-15.03. 11.00-22.00 Sat/Sun
    15.03.-15.05. 11.00-22.00 Ut/Ned. Ponedjeljkom closed.
    15.05.-15.10. 11.00-22.00 Svakim danom.
    15.10.-15.11. 11.00-22.00 Ut/Ned. Monday closed.


    Konoba Santa Terra

    Sovinjak 10
    GSM: +385 95 905 64 93
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 
    01.01.-01.04. Sat/Sun 12.00-22.00; Ostali dani na upit
    01.04.-31.12. Pon – Pet 13.00-22.00, Sat/Sun 12.00-22.00


    Konoba Volte

    Kozari 16
    Tel: +385 52 665 210
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 12.00-23.00
    Thusday closed


    Konoba Vrh

    Vrh 1
    Tel: +385 52 667 123
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours: 
    IV-XII 13.00-22.00 svakim danom
    I-IV Sat/Sun 13.00-22.00 

    Agroturizam Mlini

    GSM: +385 98 900 84 30
    Working hours: On demand


    Konoba Lovac

    Jelovice 23
    Tel: +385 52 660 127
    Working hours: 11.00-22.00
    Thursday closed


     Gostiona Gino

    Riječka ulica 22
    Tel: +385 52 694 223
    Working hours: 06.30.-22.00
    Sunday closed

    Pizzeria Ježić

    A.C. Tonića 15
    GSM: +385 91 205 2433
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Working hours:
    Ut-Pet  09.00-23.00
    Sat/Sun 13.00-23.00

    Monday closed


    Fast food Smile

    Riječka ulica 1
    Tel: +385 52 663 521
    Working hours:
    Mon/Thu 07.00-23.00
    Fry/Sat 07.00-01.00
    Sunday 15.00 -23.00


  • Restaurants

    Restaurant Stara oštarija

    Petra Flega 5
    Telefon: +385 52 694 003
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Mon-Frei: 12.00-21.00
    Sam/Sonn 12.00-22.00
    Januar, Februar geschlossen.

    Vela Vrata restaurant

    Šet. Vladimora Gortana 7,
    Telefon: +385 52 494 750,
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Arbeitszeit: 12.00-22.00
    Januar, Februar geschlossen.

    Hotel Fontana restaurant

    Trg Fontana 1
    Telefon: +385 52 662 615
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Arbeitszeit: 10.00-22.00

    Wir folgen dem Trend der Gastronomie und des Hotelgewerbes und bieten im Rahmen des Hotels Verpflegung á la carte (nach Speisekarte) an. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf istrianischen Spezialitäten, ins besondere auf Trüffelgerichten, in Verbindung mit ausgewählten istrianischen Weinen.
    Der Speisesaal verfügt, inklusiv der vorhandenen Terrasse, über eine Kapazität von rund 100 Sitzplätzen.
    Unser Restaurant ist daher ideal für Ihre Privat- oder Geschäftsessen, Festabendessen, Hochzeiten, Festmahle und kleinere Seminare..

    Restaurant Sandy

    Sjeverna ulica 3/1
    Telefon: +385 52 663 445
    Arbeitszeit: 09.00-16.00
    Sonntag geschlossen

    Ročko polje

    Restaurant Danilea

    Ročko Polje 79
    Telefon: +385 52 666 600
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    IV-IX 11.00-22.00
    IX-IV 11.00-22.00.
    Montag geschlossen

    Restaurant Nela

    Ročko Polje 3
    Tel: +385 52 666 476
    Mob: +385 91 1999 529
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    web: www.restoran-nela.com 
    Facebook: Restoran Nela
    Arbeitszeit: 07.00-23.00

    Sovinjsko polje

    Restaurant Toklarija

    Sovinjsko polje 11
    GSM: +385 91 926 6769
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Arbeitszeit: 13.00-22.00
    Dienstag geschlossen


    Konoba Most

    Naselje Most 18
    Telefon: +385 52 662 867
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Web stranica: www.konobamost.com
    Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/konoba.most.1?fref=ts
    Arbeitszeit: 12.00-22.00
    Mittwoch geschlossen


    Konoba Paladin

    Naselje Franečići 25
    Telefon: +385 52 662 061
    Mobitel: +385 91 662 06 11
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Mon-Frei: 09.00-21.00
    Sam/Son 12.00-19.00


    Istarska konoba Old river

    Most Bračana 70
    Tel: +385 91 662 1111
    Arbeitszeit: 11.00-23.00



    Ročka konoba

    Roč 14/1
    GSM: +385 91 729 9 716
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    IV-XI 12.00-22.00
    I-IV,XII Auf Anfrage
    Montag geschlossen 


    Konoba Kolinasi

    Kolinasi 13/1
    Telefon: +385 99 545 47 78
    +385 91 784 28 07
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Radno vrijeme: 13.00-21.00
    Dienstag und Mittwoch geschlossen


    Konoba Kotlić

    Kotle 3
    GSM: +385 99 351 70 77
    X-V Sam/Son 12.00-22.00
    V-X 12.00-22.00 jeden tag


    Konoba Hum

    Hum 2
    Telefon: +385 52 660 005
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    15.11.-15.03. 11.00-22.00 Sam/Son
    15.03.-15.05. 11.00-22.00 Dien/Son. Montag geschlossen.
    15.05.-15.10. 11.00-22.00 jeden tag.
    15.10.-15.11. 11.00-22.00 Dien/Son. Montag geschlossen.


    Konoba Santa Terra

    Sovinjak 10
    GSM: +385 95 905 64 93
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    01.01.-01.04. Sam/Son 12.00-22.00; andere Tage auf Anfrage
    01.04.-31.12. Mon – Frai 13.00-22.00, Sam/son 12.00-22.00


    Konoba Volte

    Kozari 16
    Telefon: +385 52 665 210
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Arbeitszeit: 12.00-23.00
    Dienstag geschlossen


    Konoba Vrh

    Vrh 1
    Telefon: +385 52 667 123
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    IV-XII 13.00-22.00 svakim danom
    I-IV Sub/Ned 13.00-22.00 

    Agroturizam Mlini

    GSM: +385 98 900 84 30
    Arbeitszeit: Na upit


    Konoba Lovac

    Jelovice 23
    Telefon: +385 52 660 127
    Arbeitszeit: 11.00-22.00
    Mittwoch geschlossen


     Gostiona Gino

    Riječka ulica 22
    Telefon: +385 52 694 223
    Arbeitszeit: 06.30.-22.00
    Sonntag geschlossen

    Pizzeria Ježić

    A.C. Tonića 15
    GSM: +385 91 205 2433
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Dien-Frei  09.00-23.00
    Sam/son 13.00-23.00

    Montag geschlossen


    Fast food Smile

    Riječka ulica 1
    Telefon: +385 52 663 521
    Mon/Dien 07.00-23.00
    Frei/Sam 07.00-01.00
    Sonntag 15.00 -23.00