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  • Tu Mirna susreće život u davnom bogatstvu mlinova vodenica, dok stari most još uvijek spaja zemlju i vodu u očekivanju povratka. Tu se divovi odmaraju.Kotli su nekada bili gospodarski najjače selo na Humštini s nadaleko poznatim mlinarima i krojačima. Tamošnji mlin još uvijek odolijeva vremenu. Danas su Kotli zaštićena ruralna sredina sa sačuvanim kortama, baladurima, voltama i slikovitim dimnjacima. Kroz selo protječe rijeka Mirna, padajući u slapovima preko stijena, dubeći u kamenu kotlaste udubine po kojima je selo dobilo ime.

    Video Kotli:

    Autor videa: Dino Alberini

  • This is where the Mirna River meets the ancient richness of water mills connects the land and the water in expectation of return. This is where the giants restt. Kotli was once the leading economic village of the Hum area- Humština, with well-known millers and tailors. The water mill has been preserved to this day. Today Kotli is a protected rural complex with preserved courtyards, outer staircases, arched passages and picturesque chimneys. The Mirna river flows through the village forming waterfalls and hollowing cauldron-like forms in stone that gave the village its name (Croatian kotao=cauldron).

    Video Kotli:
    Source: Dino Alberini

  • Einst das wirtschaftlich reichste Dorf auf dem Gebiet der Humština wegen der berühmten Müller und Schneider. Die Mühle von Kotli leistet noch heutzutage Widerstand der Zeit.
    Es handelt sich um einen Ort, der unter Schutz der ländlichen Hinterlassenschaft eingelistet ist. Man kann bewahrte Höfe (korte), alte Steintreppen (baladur), Gewölbe und pittoreske Schornsteine bemerken. Durch das Dorf fließt die Mirna. Ihre kleinen Wasserfälle vertiefen die Steine und bilden kesselförmige Löcher im Fels, daher die Dorfname „Kotli“ (Kessel).

    Video Kotli:

    Source: Dino Alberini